Born: June 4 1948  Buenos Aires

Married: Roger Sutton (son of Zetta) July 5 1969 in Perth Australia at age 22.

Jacinta, Michael.

Pauline, Roger, Jenny, Rosemary, Neville, Tony, Clive, Meryl

Roger and Jenny lived in both Australia and New Zealand.
Jenny had left Buenos Aires during troubled times and met Roger in the Kimberly region (Broome, Port Headland) of North West Australia. They married in Perth in 1969.
They raised their two children Jacinta, Michael in Auckland, and once they had grown, Australia (Tamborine Mountain on the Gold Coast) became the permanent home.
In Auckland, Jenny was an avid gardener, growing and landscaping their garden in Hatfields beach to such an impressive state that it became part of an Auckland gardening club tour.

Jenny was very artistic and drew up impressive landscape garden plans.

Family Tree

Jenny developed cancer and despite treatments she died Feb 13 2017 – Tamborine Mountain, Gold Coast, Australia (at age ‎~68‏).